Nicholas Cryder is a multidisciplinary brand strategist and creative director who offers strategically driven, integrated brand building services and consultation to a variety of global brands, startups and mostly nice people.
Like Mr. Sparrow.
I have a thing for problems.
They are often in the company of very good ideas.
Before Don Draper graced my career, the average coffee line acquaintance offered me a puzzled look when I answered the inevitable question "so what do you do?” Truth be told, it wasn't exactly an easy question to answer (Creative Directors do many different things) and tended to lead to even more questions and puzzled looks because, honestly... we're slippery devils and not always certain ourselves.
Friends and family knew I worked in ad agencies, traveled a lot to make “campaign stuff”, worked a dangerous amount of all-nighters and that I am comically allergic to most advertising I see in the wild… even my own work. But what they didn’t know was that I found myself a corporate slave in a pseudo glamorous career (to their eyes), but I didn't embrace it's value system and it wasn’t really even enjoying myself any more. So it became my mission to break free of the expectations (and cliches, no thank you Mr. Draper) that made me so miserable while doing something I fundamentally knew I loved.
Taking a step back from my pursuit of survival and success provoked a fight with my career that forced me to grapple with big hairy existential questions while trying to uncover what my purpose was as a creative soul navigating a corporate world.
The answers were there, staring down my inherited expectations in the face. I knew that I liked collaborating with lots of different types of people, especially those who think differently than I do. And that I like to solve problems for those with missions I care about. I also knew that I resisted being labeled and type-cast like a cat in the bath and that answering "who, what, when and where?" never means as much as "why?". But most of all I embraced a deep seated desire for adventure in business. I started saying "no thank you" in order to invest my precious supply of "yes!" to work on expeditions that would push me to break new ground and break free of predetermined outcomes that often lead to faulty and repetitive work. Invention and reinvention became central to executing my creative purpose and armed me to do some good in the world at the same time.
On any given day in the business landscape you might find me riding the idea elevator from the boardroom to the mailroom and everywhere in between. Doing what I am meant to do, helping people solve their best problems.
If that's how you'd like to work, let's connect.
We might find something good to do.
Awards & Recognition —
Obie Awards
One Show Finalist
IMA Interactive Awards
Communication Arts, Creative Showcase
Kelly Award Winner
Lurzer’s Archive
Graphis Design Annual
Numerous Webby’s
Numerous Addy's
Contributing Artist, Climbing Magazine
Contributing Artist, Alpinist Magazine
Judge, BMA Awards
Featured Artist, Milkcrate Magazine
Featured Film, Sonoma Film Festival
Featured Film, Boulder Film Festival
Featured Film and Best Picture, Clips of Faith Film Festival
Strategic Competencies—
IP Research & Development
Integrated Brand Strategy
Integrated Ad Campaigns
Brand Guideline Development
Team Creative Workshops
Process Development
Creative Expertise—
Creative Direction
Broadcast TV
Guerrilla & Events
Branded Content
Digital Media Expertise:
UX Strategy
Enterprise Site Design